Hey everyone!! I finally edited all of my pics, so there's a plethora of new pictures in the Gallery, so go check those out! I also added some new CC and stuff to my game. Jamie and Capris still don't have a dog, but they will soon!
ALSO!!!! SSET Imagine Reality, or Windy, entered her first ever competition! We don't know the results yet! I'M DYING!!!!!(not really)
You can see her pictures in the Gallery.
Also, Jamie replaced the old treadmills, with better, more equine-friendly treadmills.
I'M SO LAZY!!!!! I am too lazy to even edit my pictures! And add new CC to my game...
Anyways, here's my to do list for Sims.

Add Fountain
Fix jumps
Add CC
Make SSET a more official riding center
Have pictures of riding lessons
Edit all my pictures
Edit horse tack
"Copy" peoples ideas and combine them together to make MY ideas
Get more staff
Get a dog
Set up Seaside Animal Rescue Society (SARS) and have all sorts of zoo-y animals
Get Cat Size slider
Get other sliders and mods and I'm too lazy ti ontinue tiiping and i dount care that im spelling things wrounh in too tired. whatever...
Its 11:00 oklck at night. nite eveyone.
My mom's friend broke his finger in 3 or 4 different places and he can't ride for eight weeks! It's all because of a stupid girl whose horse he was looking at to buy, told him he could ground mount her horse. He couldn't. He put his foot in the stirrup and the horse bolted and took off with him in the saddle.
So I can't go over to meet his horse and take pictures because he has to go to SURGERY! :( I hope he gets better. 

Stupid girl...
Jamie might be getting a dog or two. She's been looking at an English Cocker Spaniel and a Doberman, but she has to see how they'll work with the horses. :)
I haven't been able to post any new pictures in the gallery recently because I'm visiting my grandma's house in the countryside of New York State (so many mosquitoes! I have 7 bug bites! )and I forgot to bring my drawing thing that I need to edit photos on Photoshop! I have SO MANY PICTURES!!!!! I just dont have any lead lines or reins to go with them.
Though, because this page is new, maybe no one even cares and doesn't look at it...
I'll give you this picture though...
Also, I'm going to see my real life mom's friend's Friesian horse in a couple of days, and maybe I'll get a picture of him for you guys.
If "you guys " even exist...
Here's a photo of Capris's room
Well, thats that! We're finally up and running! The horses are eating properly and everything. We're off to a good start!
PictureThis is SSET Prince, Jamie's first competition horse in her new home

    Seaside Equestrian
    Training you and your horse since 2013.
    This is a Sims 3 RP Site
    Owner Jamie Wright
    Shoreline Heights
    We age our horses with Equus-Sims aging system, meaning 4 months in real life is 1 year in game. When we are dealing with a foal, 1 month is a year for the FOAL ONLY. This goes on for 4 months, and by then the foal is 4 years old.
